7,30 € *
- Away in a Manger
- Deck the Halls
- The First Noel
- Good King Wenceslas
- It Came Upon a Midnight Clear
13,50 € *
- Allemande fantastique op.29
- Tonwellen-Valse op.30
- Ungaraise op.31
- Mazurka op.33
14,80 € *
- In Memoriam Elegie Nr. 1 Exaltation Elegie Nr. 2 Solitude Elegie Nr. 3 Drei kleine Elegien I. Droeve Overweging / Schmerzhafte Betrachtung II. Berusting / Resignation III. Allerzielen / Allerseelen (Litanie)
- "Der Flämische Grieg"
13,20 € *
- Nuova Edizione con riproduzione di manoscritti originali
- 1. Big my secret
- 2. The mood that passes through you
- 3. Silver-fingered fling
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