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Jef Neve: 2 - Dutch Edition for piano

Jef Neve: 2 - Dutch Edition for piano

ISBN9789463882903 (H)
  • This book is for more advanced pianists. If you can play the last score of my book Start, I am sure you will find what you need in this book. When I was composing the songs for this book, I looked back to the time I was a young pianist, going to the music school where I could let my teacher hear my progression of last week. The book includes 13 pieces and it goes from easy to more advanced. We recorded every song in the studio so you can hear me play, the way I like it to be played. However, as a pianist, I believe it is essential to give it your touch, so I am looking forward to hearing your version too. On top of that, there is a tutorial video of every single song, where I talk you through the hardest parts and share some tips and tricks with you.
24,25 €*
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Details für "Jef Neve: 2 - Dutch Edition for piano"
  • This book is for more advanced pianists. If you can play the last score of my book Start, I am sure you will find what you need in this book. When I was composing the songs for this book, I looked back to the time I was a young pianist, going to the music school where I could let my teacher hear my progression of last week. The book includes 13 pieces and it goes from easy to more advanced. We recorded every song in the studio so you can hear me play, the way I like it to be played. However, as a pianist, I believe it is essential to give it your touch, so I am looking forward to hearing your version too. On top of that, there is a tutorial video of every single song, where I talk you through the hardest parts and share some tips and tricks with you.

This book is for more advanced pianists. If you can play the last score of my book Start, I am sure you will find what you need in this book. When I was composing the songs for this book, I looked back to the time I was a young pianist, going to the music school where I could let my teacher hear my progression of last week. The book includes 13 pieces and it goes from easy to more advanced. We recorded every song in the studio so you can hear me play, the way I like it to be played. However, as a pianist, I believe it is essential to give it your touch, so I am looking forward to hearing your version too. On top of that, there is a tutorial video of every single song, where I talk you through the hardest parts and share some tips and tricks with you.
Besetzung: Klavier, Klavier zweihändig, Tasten- und Balginstrumente, zweihändig
Schwierigkeit: 0
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